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Sambok, the hottest days of summer

Sambok, the hottest days of summer


Have you heard about ‘Sam Bok’ in Korea?


Sambok occurs over the course of a month and the dates are set using the lunar calendar.

 Three important dates make up sambok.


The first date is called Chobok,

 second date is Jungbok and the third date is Malbok.


When these three days are come you know it will be hot outside.


How do you tackle this hot weather?


Korean people strongly believe that if you are feeling under the weather or

need a burst of energy, chicken is the answer.


Originally Korean people have eaten 

Samgyetang, the traditional Korean dish, made with a whole chicken

and a variety of herbs and ginseng but there are

 lots of people who eat fried chicken on these days as well.


Korean people believe when you eat hot foods, 

you can control heat with heat.

Chobok is July 17!

Don’t forget to eat chicken on this day!

 It’s coming up so make sure to put it on your calendars!