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Culture Event of Yeonsu

Songdo 2019 MCOP UN Climate Change Conference

On November 22,

the Songdo MCOP will open

at the Convensia.


This is a mock conference

that invites students from

all over the world

to participate in a climate change

based conference.


This conference was first held in 2013

and this is now the second conference

of its type take place.

Students from junior high

to undergraduate college

programs will be participating as chairs,

delegates from member nations,

employees of international organizations

and climate change experts

to discuss measures

to prevent climate change.

The conference will be held for 3 days

from November 22

to November 24, 2019.

This conference is expected

to provide valuable opportunities

to cultivate future talents

in environmental protection

and diplomacy.


It will also allow

Incheon Metropolitan City

and Yeonsu-Gu which houses

the Green Climate Fund headquarters

to increase its brand value

as a key player in

climate change management

and to develop into a global city

that takes the lead in mitigating

climate change.

We ask for your interest

and participation

during these next few days.



Location  : Songdo Convensia

(123, Central-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon)

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