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Yeonsugu News

The 100th anniversary of the March 1st Independence Movement

March 1 is a very important day to remember and commemorate in Korea. On March 1, 1919, a nationwide resistance movement had been staged to protest the Japanese occupation of Korea.

A mass demonstration to fight for Korea’s independence was staged in hopes that it would bring international attention and put pressure on Japan to end their colonial rule in Korea. 

In Korea, this movement is called Samil Independence Movement or Samiljeol. In important figure that had organized this movement was Gwansun Yu.

She became a very important person in getting this demonstration together and eventually became a figure and symbol of Korea’s fight for independence.

Gwansun Yu went from door to door, sharing with people the Korean flag, encouraging them to join the movement.

She was eventually arrested by the Japanese government but this did not stop her as she continued to try her best to organize demonstrations and encourage the Korean people to fight for their freedom. 

On this day, we remember Gwansun Yu, and all the freedom fighters for their hardships and sacrifices made. It is because the them that Korea enjoys the freedom it has today. 

This year is especially important as it marks the 100th anniversary of the March 1st Independence Movement.