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Yeonsugu Explore

Yeonsu-Gu's Home of Culture, 'Art Plug'


Art plug is known as home

of culture in Yeonsu-gu.

Inside Art Plug,

there is a children’s museum,

small theater,

a practice room for performers,

a practice room for musicians,

photo studios, education room,

a carpentry class, and much more! 


'Yeonsugu Explore' 카테고리의 다른 글

Yeonsu Sports Facility in Sunhak  (0) 2019.08.13
Yeonsugu Culture Park  (0) 2019.08.10
City Lights from Songdo’s Central Park  (0) 2019.07.25
Swimming Pool in Yeonsu-gu  (0) 2019.07.16
Yeonsu-Gu Incheon Landing Operation Memorial Hall  (0) 2019.06.20