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Story of Incheon


In Yeonsu,

at the Neungheodae Park,

there is a traditional

Korean pavilion.


This is a replicate of

the pavilions that stood

there during the Baekje Era. 


Around 1600 years ago,

the people of Baekje

used this area as a port.


Passages to and from

China were from this area.


This particular area played

a very important part

in ancient Koreas history. 


Incheon designated

the traditional Korean pavilion

as one of Incheons monuments.


It is a reminder that in the past,

this is where our ancestors

would go to and from China.


Yeonsu-Gu in

commemoration of this,

has a festival every year.

The Neungheodae Festival. 


This year is the 10thannual,

and it will be held

from October 11 to the 13th. 


We hope you are able

to take the time to come

and celebrate in festivities with us!