Incheon 썸네일형 리스트형 Emergency disaster message(ENG) app install manual When you are visiting or living in a foreign country, it is always important to know emergency disaster app! Please download “Emergency ready app” from app market. 더보기 Emergency Response Guidelines - Typhoon / Heavy Rain Here are some tips and what you should know a natural disaster such as a typhoon come into your area. These are just some simple tips that you should remember. It is always best that you are prepared. 더보기 Language Class Today’s phrase we would like to share with you is …eh suh wass uh yo. When you would like to hare which county or city you have come from, you can easily put the country name first followed by …eh suh wass uh yo. For example, Uganda eh suh wass uh yo. 더보기 Happy Friday The rainy season has been begun. Have a relaxing and safe weekend with Yeonsu-gu!😊☂️ 더보기 City Lights from Songdo’s Central Park Songdo is a beautiful international city in Yeonsu. It is known for its great architecture and lighting. When planning, the City, a lot of thought had been placed on what they city would look like in the evenings. Now the city lights are quite a site! A perfect place to view this is from Central Park. From the park, you can circle around to see the various lit up buildings in Songdo! These days,.. 더보기 LanguageClass Today's word is Jangma. You have probably been hearing this word a lot these days. What does it mean? It means rainy season, like monsoon. Jangma usually comes between July and August. Sometimes it comes with typhoons to damage to farmland. It’s better to take an umbrella with you all the time during Jangma. 더보기 HappyFriday Let the Weekend Therapy Begin.🌱 We hope you have a great weekend in Yeonsu-gu😊 더보기 Swimming Pool in Yeonsu-gu Nothing can be better than swimming in the cool water during the hot summer! Incheon Yeonsu-gu runs a swimming pool to cool down this hot summer! From Tuesday, July 16 to Sunday, August 18, they will be running a swimming pool at the Munhwa Park(Culture Park), Busuji Park, Mt. Bong-jae and Mt. Cheong-nyang for about two months. Please note that it will be closed every Monday. Let's make your lit.. 더보기 Happy Friday ★ Happy Friday~ The weekend is almost here!! Have a great Friday and weekend with family and friends! 👏 더보기 Best Foods to Eat in the Summer Korean people believe you should eat healthier foods during the summer to help replenish nutrients lost and help you beat the heat! Here are some popular summer foods! Samgyetang - Chicken Soup July and August are the hottest days of the summer in Korea. During this time, many Korean people go to eat samgyetang. This is a type of Chicken Soup made with ginseng, herbs, and garlic. The soup has ma.. 더보기 LanguageClass Have you heard the word “daebak”? The word “daebak” carries the meaning jackpot. So you will hear people using the word when they are encouraging others! I hope you hit the jackpot. This is a great word to know! 더보기 Precautions for The Summer! As we start to hit the peak of summer and look for places to stay cool, there are a few things that you should take precaution to and be aware of. Be Aware During the summer months, one of things to do when heading outdoors is to be aware of what the weather will be like that day. You can do so by tuning in to the news or looking online before you head out. There are days that the heat will peak.. 더보기 Happy Friday! Happy Friday! Cool mornings, warm days, cool evenings... just few more days to enjoy this great weather! 더보기 Language Class Today’s word is a slang word, “jjang-yi-ya”. This word is used when expressing something that is the best! Whether it is food, a friend, or an event, to express that you really like something or that it is the best you can use, “jjang-yi-ya”! You can even use it to say the weekend is the best by saying “jumal yi jjang-yi-ya”! Have a great weekend!😃 더보기 Yeonsu Cosplay Festival Have you heard of the Cosplay Festival? On June 29, Yeonsu will be hosting the Cosplay Festival, a pop-culture arts festival! There will be many other festivities so don't miss out! Cosplay Events On this day, you will be able to see he Avengers and many other characters in one place! There will be a parade, photo zone, and much more to participate in! The first part of the festival will be from.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ··· 21 다음