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Life Information

Pepero Day

Pepero Day

Have you heard of Pepero Day? November 11 in Korea is Pepero Day! What is it?! The 11 th day of the 11 th month, or also 1111, is a day that Korean people give each other peperos. Pepero’s are long cracker snacks, usually dipped in chocolate.

You will find co-workers giving each other pepero, significant others giving each other pepero, friends giving each other pepero, and parents giving their children pepero.

It is a fun day to give someone that you like or care about a pepero snack to lift up their spirits for the day!

These days, in addition to pepero, people give out anything that is long in the shape of a 1. Forexample, you will see people giving long rice cakes as gifts as well!

We hope you are able to share as well as receive a pepero or a similar gift on this day!

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