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White Day – March 14, 2019

It seems as though it was just the new year, yet we are already into March, and this week is White Day! For those of you who do not know, what day is celebrated similar to Valentine’s Day. Here is the difference in Korea. 

White Day originated from Japan. It is celebrated on the 14th day of March. Other countries like Taiwan in addition to Japan and Korea are the countries which celebrate White Day. In countries that do celebrate White Day, the tradition for Valentine’s Day is a little different. In these countries, women are suppose to gift men with chocolates and candy.

Then on March 14, men reciprocate what they have received to their female counterparts. In Japan, it is due to the culture of giving back what has been received that this tradition came about. It as first celebrated in 1978 in Japan. 


In Korea, very similar to this, men gift women with candies, cookies, chocolates, and flowers. It is another day to celebrate love and friendship. Candies and chocolates are shared not only with significant others, but many bring chocolates or candies to school to share with the girls in the class and men bring candies to their work to pass out to women in the office.

It is a celebration of relationships in general! We hope that this White Day you are able to enjoy it a little more by sharing!