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Life Information

Teachers’ Day

May is known to be Family Month in Korea. May 5th is Children’s Day, May 8th is Parent’s Day, and May 15th is Teacher Appreciation Day. Teachers play a major role in shaping our children and educating them for the future. We hope you take this day to express your appreciation for them.


■ Origin

Originally, Teachers ' Day in Korea began in 1958 when students started to console teachers who were sick or retired. Later in 1963, ' Teacher's Day ' was first established, and in 1965, the birthday of King Sejong, who created Hangeul, was designated as Teacher's Day.


■ The present

Usually on this day, parents and children celebrate teachers by giving them carnations. Also, written cards and just an expression of how appreciative you are goes a far ways.


We hope that you are able to celebrate this day while you are in Korea. In Korea, it is not only school teachers that are celebrated but also people that have impacted your life and have taught you life lessons. These people are too honored and celebrated on this day.

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