Life Information 썸네일형 리스트형 A Cup of Traditional Korean Tea? A Cup of Traditional Korean Tea? As the weather gets colder, one way to stay warm and keep healthy is to enjoy a cup of traditional Korean tea.Teas are known to have great healing powers, and Korea has some of the best teas! There are many traditional teas in Korea, some of the ones that people enjoy are teas made from roots, grains, and fruits.Teas made from roots are used for various medicinal.. 더보기 Pepero Day Pepero Day Have you heard of Pepero Day? November 11 in Korea is Pepero Day! What is it?! The 11 th day of the 11 th month, or also 1111, is a day that Korean people give each other peperos. Pepero’s are long cracker snacks, usually dipped in chocolate. You will find co-workers giving each other pepero, significant others giving each other pepero, friends giving each other pepero, and parents gi.. 더보기 The season for Kimjang! The season for Kimjang! It's getting colder and colder, and it means it’s time for kimjang! What is kimjang? It is a Korean tradition of making and preserving kimchee to eat throughout the year! In 2013, the tradition was listed as an UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage! Kimchee is usually consumed quite frequently in Korea, in many households you will see it on the dining table every meal. Befo.. 더보기 Car Free Day! Car Free Day! As you probably are well aware, Yeonsu-Gu strongly believes a great city thinks of its citizens first. There is nothing more important than the health the people! Yeonsu-Gu believes a healthy life begins with a healthy environment. It is important to protect the environment for the health and well being of the people! There are many simple things that can be done to protect the env.. 더보기 Chuseok (Hangawi) Traditions! Chuseok (Hangawi) Traditions! Chuseok is one of the most important holidays in Korea! Curious to find out what Korean people do on Chuseok? See below! 1. Ganggangsullae, (traditional Korean circle dance play) Ganggangsullae is a Korean ritual dance that dates back over 5000 years. The dance itself was believed to bring a bountiful harvest, however has now developed into a Korean cultural traditi.. 더보기 Understanding Holidays in Korea Understanding Holidays in Korea If you live or have worked in Korea, you know that there are many holidays! Here is a guide to understanding the types of holidays in Korea. Coming up quickly at the beginning of October is Chusok (Korean Thanksgiving) from October 4,5, and 6. However, right before this day on October 3 is the National Foundation Day which Korean people also celebrate. This means .. 더보기 Chilseok There are many myths and legends in Korea that have been passed down for years and years. Among one of those, is the love story of Gyun-Woo and Jing-Nyuh. The story goes as such. In the heavens long ago, the Emperor had a daughter named Jing-Nyuh. Jing-Nyuh was a beautiful kind hearted girl that was loved by all the angels in heaven. One day, Jing-Nyuh went out of the palace in heaven and met a .. 더보기 Malbok In Korea, the three hottest days of summer are called boknal. Boknal, is divided into three different categories, chobok, which is at the beginning of summer, junbok, during the middle of summer, and malbok at the end of summer. Chobok is usually in July, around July 11-19th when the weather starts to get really hot. Jungbok starts about 10 days after Chobok, and Malbok starts about 10 days afte.. 더보기 History of Kimchee History of Kimchee If you are interested in Korean culture or food, you probably know that Korean people love to eat kimchee! There are many types of kimchee and the history of kimchee dates far back! The history of kimchee dates back as far as the 3 Kingdoms period 57BC. It has been documented that picked and fermented dishes were eaten during this period. Amongst pickled vegetables was the pic.. 더보기 Children's Day It’s already May! In Korea, May is considered a family month with several holidays! The holiday that is celebrated by families the most in May is Children’s Day! Children’s day was actually on March 1 in 1919 in commemoration of the Independence Movement to motivate patriotism amongst children. In 1923, it was changed to May 1.. In 1927, it changed as the first Sunday of May. After World War 2, .. 더보기 Labor day (May day) Labor Day (May day) Labor Day has started to improve conditions of labor and positions of blue collar workers. Labor Day in Korea is May 1st and is recognized around the world as the International Worker’s Day or Labor Day. In Korea, May 1st is called Labor Day, and Korea started recognizing this day in 1923 by the Korean Federation of Labor Unions. The first known celebration of Labor day was a.. 더보기 Health Insurance Living in a foreign country is exciting, but there are a lot of little things that need to be taken into consideration as well. Over the years, Korea has had more than 2 million foreigners reside in Korea for extended periods of time. There are a lot of foreigners living in Songdo as well. One of the issues that many people worry about is getting sick and health insurance. If you are one of thes.. 더보기 [Life Information]Emergency Numbers to Know in Korea Emergency Numbers to Know in Korea When living in a foreign country, it is important to know what numbers you need to call in case of an emergency. If you need the an ambulance or have a fire emergency dial 119.For medical emergencies, when you dial this number, your location will automatically be tracked. The response time on this is pretty quick. If you do not speak Korean, they will bring on .. 더보기 3 Useful Applications in Korea As many people know Korea is known for being one of the most wired countries in the world. When it comes to IT, it is one of the strongest in the world. There are also a ton of applications out there that Korean people make great use of. Here are some to help you while living in Korea! 3 Useful Applications in Korea 1. Kakao Talk. KakaoTalk is messenger that is by far the most popular messaging .. 더보기 Keeping your health from Norovirus When living in a foreign country, one of the worst feelings is getting sick. Right now, there is a virus going around Korea called the Norovirus?It is a type of food poisoning, that has been affecting people. Norovirus infection is characterized by nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, and in some cases, loss of taste. A person usually develops symptoms of gastroenteritis 12 to 48 h.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음